- 全球虛擬教室課程定義:本校教師與海外夥伴學校教師遠距合作教學,上課方式強調雙方師生互動討論、意見交流與合作學習,以提供本校學生與海外學生共同學習之經驗
- 獎勵範圍:本校113學年度第2學期至114學年度第1學期間開設之全球虛擬教室課程。
- 獎勵對象:本校教師,惟語言學習類、個別指導課程、講座式課程不適用
- 獎勵額度:同步合作教學總時數達3小時,且連線至少2週次者,每門核予新臺幣1萬元之獎勵;同步合作教學總時數達6小時,且連線至少4週次者,每門核予新臺幣2萬元之獎勵。實際獎勵情形仍須依獎勵審查會議決議為準。
- 申請方式:即日起至114年2月28日(星期五)填妥申請表(下載網址:https://reurl.cc/86L1jy)送至網大審核
- 開課指引請參考:https://reurl.cc/vp88yy
- 獎勵申請相關事宜請洽教務處網路大學辦公室張小姐(校內分機55
04/ ipeggy233@ntnu.edu.tw)
★Global Virtual Classroom (GVC) Course Incentives for Faculty Members
- Definition of GVC courses: NTNU distance learning courses with a partner course in a foreign institution. The course format should emphasize interactive discussion, idea exchanges, and collaborative learning, all of which must involve faculty members and students from both NTNU and foreign partner institutions.
- Eligibility: NTNU faculty members who teach GVC courses during the Spring 2025 to Fall 2025 semesters. Language learning courses, individual instructional courses, and seminars do not qualify.
- Qualified faculty members will be awarded the following incentives if their application is approved:
- NT$10,000 for courses if the total synchronous collaborative teaching time reaches 3 hours and the sessions span at least 2 weeks.
- NT$20,000 for courses if the total synchronous collaborative teaching time reaches 6 hours and the sessions span at least 4 weeks.
To Apply, please complete the form here: https://reurl.cc/86L1jy
- Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
- Please refer to the following website for Guidelines for Offering Global Virtual Classroom Courses: https://reurl.cc/vp88yy
- For any questions, please contact Ms. Chang at Ext. 5504 or ipeggy233@ntnu.edu.tw.