Asynchronous Courses

Asynchronous courses: Flexible, autonomous learning available anytime, anywhere

Free from the limits of time and space, asynchronous courses are presented in the form of pre-recorded videos on the teaching platform—students can learn flexibly and autonomously through your carefully produced videos.

NTNU Online provides dedicated filming services for teachers to produce asynchronous classes (available only to NTNU courses seeking Ministry of Education remote learning certification). Teachers are welcome to ask questions about video recording, hardware/software, and so forth.

How do I get started? - Recording asynchronous courses

Plan A: Self-recorded videos


Plan and prepare video lessons

Video lessons are filmed by the teacher/TA.

  • Prepare course materials (e.g., slides)
  • Decide how images will be presented (combination of course materials and teacher footage)

Prepare tools and record lessons

  • Confirm filming location
    • Film ongoing offline classes
    • Film separately
  • Prepare filming equipment and recording software

Post-production and upload

Perform required post-production (editing, subtitling, etc.) and then upload videos to platforms like YouTube.

Plan B: Let NTNU Online assist with studio filming

*Note: Available only to NTNU courses seeking Ministry of Education remote learning certification

Plan and prepare video lessons

NTNU Online staff do the filming. Teachers should do the following:

  • Prepare course materials
  • Decide how images will be presented (combination of course materials and teacher footage in videos)



Film the lessons

  1. Book a filming time
  2. Head to the filming studio after course materials/slides have been prepared (10th floor of General Building)
  3. NTNU Online staff will operate equipment and film the classes

Post-production and upload

After checking the final product with the teacher, NTNU Online staff will upload the videos to the platform

.To ask related questions, please contact: +886-2-7749-5503 /