Synchronous Courses

Synchronous courses: Livestream your classes in real-time using video conferencing software

  • You can conduct synchronous classes in places like:
    • Your research room or residence (somewhere quiet with no distractions)
    • NTNU Online Recording Studio(Located on the 10th floor of the General Building at NTNU’s Main Campus II, the studio provides relevant equipment and stable Internet connection. Please make sure to book a reservation ahead of time through NTNU Online.)
  • To help synchronous classes go smoothly, we recommend enlisting the help of a TA, who can not only help resolve course-related issues but also perform roll call and recording.
  • To avoid clashing class times, departments can register usage and support time with NTNU Online as soon as the curriculum is set.

To apply recording studio, please contact: +886-2-7749-5503 /

Conduct synchronous courses in the studio

Teachers are welcome to make use of the professional spaces that NTNU Online provides for synchronous courses, including comprehensive equipment and training.
Support provided by NTNU Online includes:
  1. Teaching assistant (TA) training
  2. Hardware/software operation and support
  3. Venue booking
  4. Hardware and software equipment
  • Laptop: Opens video conferencing software and slides
  • Full HD PTZ camera: Captures footage of the speaker
  • USB microphone (and speaker) for video conferencing: Captures (and amplifies) the speaker’s voice
  • External 65-inch LCD monitor: Projects the computer screen
  • Studio light and light diffuser: Provides supplementary lighting
  • Wireless access point (WAP): Provides Internet connection

Provide teachers with a comfortable teaching space

A teaching assistant is recommended to help manage the class

A big screen is good for encouraging interactions and dialogue in class

Provide dedicated spaces for teachers and teaching assistants

NTNU Online Master’s Program interview

An ongoing synchronous class

A.P. Ming-Hsin Chiu/Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies: Studies in Library and Information Science

Synchronous class in action
Teachers and students can use screen sharing (slides) to teach or do presentations
You can check the online/offline status of students anytime during ongoing synchronous classes
Chat function: Allows teachers to send messages and students to make comments or ask questions at any time
.To ask related questions, please contact: +886-2-7749-5503 /